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3 4 0 0 0 1 9Anna Polivkova represents one of the greatest talents of a young actor generation. she has inherited the genes from her parents - actors Evelyna Steimarova and Bolek Polivka. After finishing studies AT Prague’s state conservatory Anna frequented HAMU’s department of non-verbal theatre led by Ctibor Turba.
In 1999 Anna left for Paris to study at L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq. She traveled across Europe with clown’s street performance Duck Jump and across Canada together with Sabooge Theater Company. She is devoted to cross flute play, dance, mime, acrobatics. She rehearsed show Vagina monologues in Nosticovo divadylko pod Certovkou theatre. Together with her father she had played in a crime movie “Bolero” by F. A. Brabec (2004). Then she appeared in a film debut of Julius Sevcik “Restart” (2005). Year after that she played the part of Jolana in Jiri Vejdelek’s movie “Tour participants”. Currently she is famous for her performance in “Stardance” dance show, but only few know that she is a devoted follower of anything smelling after burnt gasoline. On top of the fact that her step-mother is an enthusiastic circuit racer, Anna is also granddaugther of Jaroslav Juhan. Despite the difficulty of getting together during times of communism in pre-1989 Czechoslovakia Anna used to absorb La Carrera Panamericana’s atmosphere from narrations of her grandpa since she was a little girl. Her dream to see the race herself has become true thanks to the project of Czech participation when she’s going to provide Czech radio listeners with her excited comments of the entire 2014 race.