Rally odstartovala před:
3 4 0 0 0 3 4Jaroslav Juhan was born in Prague on October 13, 1921. Racing was in his blood, after all his older brother was famous motorcycle racer Frantisek. After WW II he became an importer of Italian made cars and buses but in 1951 he emigrated to Guatemala in Latin America due to political reasons. Even there he started to import Italian cars. During 1953 he was appointed an official representative of Porsche sports cars for Latin America territory. To promote the cars and to increase their sales he decides to take part in car races. First achievements with type 356 motivated him to continue in his new career with Porsche 1500 super and wins the first race - Carrera de Pacifico - he wins. He ordered two new sports cars - Spyders 550 - right away. Yet in the same year he starts at Carrera Panamericana and from the beginning of the 2nd part of the race he took the lead in category up to 1600 ccm. Only technical malfunction has caused that he did not win. The following year he participates in the Panamericana race already as a factory driver. During this race he fought a merciless duel for the gold with then Porsche‘s No. 1 Hans Herrmann. After 3077 kms Herrmann and only 36 seconds later Juhan flew through the finnish ribbon making it a double victory for Porsche.
Based on such success and encouradged by Juhan (who was since than called just as „Jerry“ by everyone) Ferdinand Porsche adopted the name „Carrera“ for all his cars equipped with four camshafts. In Buenos Aires 1954 Juhan continued in the marvellous career by another victory in his category in 1000 miles race while altogether he reached the 4th position. Even in Europe Juhan left his footprints when in 1955 he has gained for Porsche, together with Glöckner, excellent 6th place in famous Le Mans race. Regardless of such achievements Juhan considers himself, in his own words, just „an ordinary amateur who races only to sell the cars better“... Even though the business for Porsche went well Juhan left Guatemala due to its unstable and dangerous political situation and he has moved together with his wife Denise back to Europe - to Switzerland - in 1961. He occupies himself with various commercial activities and even develops his own products, e.g. double tires, which are being used up to these days on selected cars by City of Geneve police department. He has never interrupted his contacts with Porsche company maintaining frequent connections mostly with Wolfgang Porsche, Huschke von Hanstein and naturally with Hans Herrmann with whom he is connected by long-standing friendship. Jerry remained loyal to Porsche brand even in his private life. Up to advanced age he sits behind the steering wheel of his Porsche 928 S4. Porsche Co. has presented in all its official materials Jaroslav Juhan as the important colleague and lifelong faithful representative. Juhan was one of the first honorary members and supporters of Czech Porsche owners Club Vratislavice. Short history of post war Czech automotive scene has lost immense personality by his passing in 2011 as well as a human being of a big heart and sense of humour.